From Our Faculty Members

Managing uncertainty: Tips for helping parents in uncertain times
Uncertainty can be a challenge for anyone, but there are ways to manage it. Understanding how and why we approach or turn away from uncertain situations is critical to productively managing our responses to them.

English-language learners need more support during remote learning
Four ways parents and other caregivers can help offset learning losses among children who are learning English as a second language that might occur during the pandemic.

Supporting individuals with autism through uncertain times
This toolkit provides user-friendly, evidence-based resources for people supporting children and adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Led by associate professor Kara Hume, the toolkit was developed by experts from the UNC School of Education, the UNC Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute, and the UNC School of Medicine’s Department of Allied Health Sciences. UPDATE: New toolkit for helping adults with autism
WEBINAR: Supporting Individuals With Autism During COVID-19
WEBINAR: Supporting Individuals With Autism During COVID-19

COVID-19 science education materials made available
In a project funded by the National Science Foundation, a team led by Troy Sadler, the Thomas James Distinguished Professor of Experiential Learning, is developing science education curricula materials based on the coronavirus. The materials are being made available as they are developed.

Navigating social media and cyberbullying during a pandemic
Dorothy Espelage talks in this interview about the possible increased risks of cyberbullying during the pandemic and offers suggestions for how parents and caregivers can talk to young people about protecting themselves.

Staying engaged with academics
Jeff Greene, the McMichael Distinguished Professor in Learning Sciences and Psychological Studies, offers guidelines and suggestions for families to keep their homebound students on track with their studies.
VIDEO: Facebook Live Q&A with Professor Jeff Greene
VIDEO: Facebook Live Q&A with Professor Jeff Greene

Ways to support empathy and well-being
School psychology associate professor Dana Griffin shares timely expertise about empathy and well-being on a podcast with UNC World View. She also offered her three strategies to navigate the uncertain times.

To make at-home learning plans, follow the ‘4 Rs’
Lora Cohen-Vogel, Frank A. Daniels Distinguished Professor, and colleagues from the University of California at Santa Barbara and the University of California at Irvine offer advice to parents and guardians for establishing a "4R Plan" — Routine, Relevant, Read, and Run — for each of their children.
Promoting growth of ‘executive skills’
This set of resources promotes the development of executive skills, which refer to the thinking, or cognitive, processes required to plan, organize, and execute activities. It was created by a team including assistant faculty member Marisa Marraccini and doctoral student Meagan Padro and led by Peg Dawson of the Study Group on Executive Skills.

Beyond Online Learning: Student Safety and Well-Being During Coronavirus
With the closure of schools, many narratives have focused on remote learning and teaching. But what about our most vulnerable students? This pandemic also compromises student safety and well-being. Teachers and school leaders are primary reporters of abuse, neglect, and other issues of wellness. So how can we approach these challenges? School of Education faculty members and school professionals convened for an online discussion around keeping students safe and the roles schools play during the times. Clinical assistant professor Chris Scott moderated.
From Other Experts

Talking to children about COVID-19
From the National Association of School Psychologists

Coronavirus: What parents should know and do
From Harvard Medical School

Suggested at-home school schedules for all grades
From Khan Academy

Reviews of more than 1,000 apps for student learning
From App Ed Review

Keep Writing and Learning: Designing Your Online Academic Life
From UNC’s The Learning Center