Gregory Cizek, professor of educational measurement and evaluation, has assumed the vice presidency of the National Council on Measurement in Education, a position in which he will serve until April 2012 when he becomes president of the group.
NCME is an association of approximately 2,000 people involved in assessment, evaluation, testing, and other aspects of educational measurement. NCME members include university faculty, test developers, state and federal testing and research directors, professional evaluators, testing specialists and others.
NCME works to provide service to education communities and to ensure that assessment is fair and equitable for all students.
Meanwhile, Cizek has been asked by the U.S. Department of Education to participate in a briefing of senior staff regarding how the department can take a leadership role in ensuring test score integrity.
The invitation comes after a spate of test cheating cases in Atlanta, Philadelphia, Washington, D.C., New Jersey and elsewhere. The briefing is intended to help guide DOE leadership in ensuring test score legitimacy in connection with No Child Left Behind-related assess