Office: Peabody 1028
Mailing Address:
CB 3500 Peabody Hall
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3500
Frequently Requested Information
Please see these resources for frequently requested information:
Specific Contact Information
For information about our academic programs, please visit the Contact Us page for our programs:
- Applied Developmental Science and Special Education (ADSSE), Ph.D.
- Culture, Curriculum, and Teacher Education (CCTE), Ph.D.
- Early Childhood Intervention and Family Support (ECIFS), M.Ed.
- Educational Innovation, Technology, and Entrepreneurship (MEITE), M.A.
- Educational Leadership, Ed.D.
- Human and Organizational Leadership Development, B.A.
- Human Development and Family Science (HDFS), B.A.Ed.
- K-12 Music Education, B.M.
- Learning Sciences and Psychological Studies (LSPS), Ph.D.
- Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT), M.A.T.
- Minor in Education, Minor
- Policy, Leadership, and School Improvement (PLS), Ph.D.
- Pre-Master of Arts in Teaching (pre-MAT), Affiliation Option
- School Administration, M.S.A.
- School Counseling, M.Ed.
- School Psychology, Ph.D.
- UNC Baccalaureate Education in Science and Teaching (UNC-BEST), B.A. or B.S.
For information about our licensure only programs, please visit the Contact Us page for our program:
For media inquiries, please contact:
Morgan Ellis
Director of Communications and Marketing
Phone: (919) 843-0307
Office: Peabody G014
Mailing Address:
CB 3500 Peabody Hall
Chapel Hill, NC 27599-3500
Campus Partner Job Postings
To post an education-related job, please compile the following:
- School name
- Contact information
- Job posting link
And send all of the above to:
Childcare Inquiries
UNC students looking for childcare opportunities, utilize the following resources:
If you are in need of childcare please utilize the resources listed above as the School of Education does not advertise childcare opportunities.
To contact staff in the offices within the School of Education, please visit our People section: