The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill is offering special funding for students adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. The Carolina Together Roadmap continues to be the primary communication portal from campus and we anticipate it will be updated regularly with information to support UNC’s community. Additionally, the COVID-19 Student Care Hub in Keep Learning UNC has Academic, Financial, Health and Wellness, and Career resources available in one place. COVID-19 financial assistance supports are also available through the Office of Scholarships and Student Aid.
View UNC-Chapel Hill and additional community opportunities below. We will continue to update opportunities as we learn of them. If you have questions or needs that fall outside of the funding options below, please contact the UNC School of Education’s Office of Student Affairs by calling (919) 966-1346 or email
Official UNC-Chapel Hill Resources
COVID-19 Financial Assistance
The UNC Office of Scholarships and Student Aid have been awarding emergency grants to students from multiple funds, including the student portion of CARES Act funding from the U.S. Department of Education and the Carolina Student Impact Fund. These awards help students cover expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus. Visit the Scholarships and Student Aid website for funding opportunities and eligibility information.
Campus Housing Hardship Application
UNC student residents were emailed information and details to fill out the hardship application if necessary. For more information, visit and click on the “Roadmap for Fall 2020 – Housing Updates” banner.
Carolina Cupboard
Carolina Cupboard is an on-campus food pantry that provides food at no cost to students who are facing food insecurity. For more information, visit
Additional Community Resources
In an effort to provide all possible opportunities, we are sharing the following community resources.
UNC Black Student Movement Mutual Aid
This mutual aid effort for and by Black students at Carolina seeks to assist each other with emergency needs that arise because of the COVID-19 crisis.
Commission on Campus Equality & Student Equity Student Aid
The Commission on Campus Equality & Student Equity’s charge is to expand and enhance the civic, social, educational, cultural, and economic status of marginalized communities on campus. The commission is assisting students with need due to the COVID-19 pandemic.