Your curriculum and courses
Your course of study is determined with an advisor based on experience, both academic and professional. Upon admission into the program, you will meet with a program advisor to determine your individual course of study.
Courses are offered in a combination of online and face to face instruction after school hours, usually from about 4:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. and during the summer. The program can be completed in 1-2 academic years depending on your course needs based on a review of your transcripts. All courses are taught with a strong applied base with experienced early childhood professionals and parents assisting UNC-CH faculty with course instruction.
Who qualifies for entry into the program?
Prerequisites for admission into the Add-on Licensure programs include a current N.C teaching license in another area and experience with young children.
You may be admitted to the B-K add-on licensure if you hold a bachelor’s degree and licensure (either A or M level) in a related teaching area. Examples include Preschool Handicapped, Early Childhood, Elementary Education, and Special Education. Individuals who do not hold a teaching licensure in a related area must first earn and clear an initial license in a related field to then add on the B-K license.