Current Program of Study
The program of studies, (i.e., the courses and curriculum) for the Ph.D. in Education, Culture, Curriculum and Teacher Education (CCTE) requires a minimum of 48-54 credit hours, made up of 4 parts:
- 18 credit hours of Required Core Courses for the Ph.D. in Education;
- 12 credit hours of Required Core Courses for the CCTE Research Strand;
- 12-16 credit hours of Electives;
- 6 Dissertation credits.
Ph.D. core courses
The following 18 credit hours are required for all Ph.D. candidates. As these are intended to be foundational courses for the rest of the program, you should plan to take them in your first, or at the latest second, year of coursework.
- EDUC 710: Statistical Analysis of Educational Data (or prerequisite), 3 hrs
- EDUC 825: Development and Learning, 3 hrs
- EDUC 830: Field Techniques in Educational Research, 3 hrs
- EDUC 867: Issues in Ed Policy and Research, 3 hrs
- EDUC 876: Histories of Schooling: Culture, Curriculum, and Change, 3 hrs
- 1 advanced research methods course, any type (i.e., quantitative, qualitative, mixed), 3 hrs
CCTE core courses
You are required to complete the following 12 credit hours for the CCTE strand:
- EDUC 754: Teachers, Teaching and Teacher Education, 3 hrs
- EDUC 776: Gender, Race and Class Issues, 3 hrs
- EDUC 851: Curriculum Theory, 3 hrs
- EDUC 974: Critical Social Theory, 3 hrs
Elective courses
The list below are approved elective courses. With approvel from your advisor, you can also take courses from other Ph.D. in Education strands, from other UNC-Chapel Hill academic departments, or from other universities (e.g., Duke, NC State, etc.).
- EDUC 715: Girlhood, Culture, Curriculum, 3 hrs
- EDUC 758: Immigration and Education, 3 hrs
- EDMX 763: Diversity and International Education, 3 hrs
- EDUC 764: Current Issues in Literacy, 3 hrs
- EDUC 769: Latin@s and Education, 3 hrs
- EDUC 772: Educational Sociology, 3 hrs
- EDUC 774: Social and Educational History of the United States, 3 hrs
- EDUC 868: Advanced Qualitative Methods, 3 hrs
- EDUC 877: Critical Multicultural Education, 3 hrs
- EDUC 878: Critical Discourse Analysis, 3 hrs
- EDUC 904: Exploring Representations of Education in Popular Culture, 3 hrs
- EDUC 906: Education of African Americans, 3 hrs
- EDUC 922: Mixed-Methods Research, 3 hrs
- EDUC 953: Research and Policy in Teacher Education, 3 hrs
- EDUC 970: Applied Theory & Research Methods, 3 hrs
- EDUC 973: School Experiences of Men of Color, 3 hrs
- EDUC 977: Autoethnography in/as Education Research, 3 hrs
Dissertation course
- EDUC 994: Doctoral Research and Dissertation, 6 hrs