What should I study?

Culture, Curriculum, and Teacher Education (CCTE) Ph.D.
The Culture, Curriculum and Teacher Education Ph.D. concentration is designed for scholars and researchers who will study the linguistic, social and cultural contexts of education from classrooms to communities.

Human and Organizational Leadership Development (HOLD) B.A.
Hone the critical thinking, creative problem solving, collaboration and communication skills that will enable you to be a dynamic organizational leader.

K-12 Leadership Ed.D.
The Ed.D. in Educational Leadership with a concentration in K-12 Leadership is designed to equip experienced and practice-focused educational leaders with understandings, skills and knowledge to effectively drive improvement in school systems and other professional settings.

Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) M.A.T.
Carolina’s MAT is grounded in rigorous academic and clinical experiences that will help you expand and build your professional knowledge and skills in preparation for becoming an educator.

Organizational Learning and Leadership Ed.D.
The online Ed.D. in Educational Leadership with a concentration Organizational Learning and Leadership empowers working professionals with the knowledge, skills, and experiences to achieve organizational goals through a human-centered leadership approach.

Policy, Leadership, and School Improvement (PLS) Ph.D.
The Policy, Leadership and School Improvement Ph.D. concentration produces scholars, administrators, and analysts who are prepared to take leadership roles in K-12 systems, universities, research organizations and policy-making bodies.

School Administration M.S.A.
The MSA is designed for educators who are striving to assume leadership positions and to help their communities pursue a vision of educational equity and support for all learners.