Bachelor of Arts in Education: Human Development and Family Studies
Aaruba Ayesha
I hope to propel the world and enact change through my future work in mental health. As a Muslim Bengali-American woman, I aim to advocate and support minority and underserved groups as a counselor, and I will be joining Boston University this fall for my Master’s in Mental Health Counseling and Behavioral Medicine. During my time at UNC, I have cultivated an appreciation for serving my neighbors and building strong relationships, a practice that I intend to continue within all communities that I am a part of. I am grateful for the UNC School of Education for being my first steps to propel the world.
Kayla Marie Bassett
I will propel the world by modeling the innovative examples set by my professors and drawing upon the passion and support from my peers to guide and inspire the future educators of North Carolina.
Thea Elizabeth Boone
I will propel the world by using the knowledge and skills I gained through my time at the UNC School of Education in every aspect of my life. The School of Education taught me more than just academic knowledge; it taught me how to interact with the world around me. At this moment, this looks like serving the children and families in the NYC child welfare system, but wherever life leads me, I know I will cherish my time at UNC and in the School of Education.
Anaia Brewster
I will propel the world by working toward achieving excellence in every endeavor I am involved in. I will be dedicated to achieving the goals that I have while keeping in mind that the road to success is not often linear. I will lead with grace and extend it as often if not more than I’d like to receive it. I will propel the world by being willing to grow wherever I’m planted.
Kathryn Elisabeth Bridgers
I will propel the world by becoming a pediatric occupational therapist and working with children with special needs to help them live their best lives.
Chandler Rose Briggs
I will propel the world by serving as a mentor to youth and adolescents in my future career, inspiring them to propel the world themselves.
Alexa Grace Brogna
I will propel the world by inspiring children to love to learn and work toward equity within the education system.
Grace Elaine Bryant
I plan to begin a teaching career in Woodstock, Georgia, once I graduate. I also plan to begin looking for opportunities teaching dance as they arise.
Allison Bullock
I will propel the world by leaving heel prints of love and kindness wherever I go to ensure I make a difference in the lives of others.
Camila Carneiro Da Cunha Martorelli*
Through kindness and empathy, the world can become a better place. No matter in what career path I end up, I am set on the mission of creating a space where every single child can see themselves represented and be inspired because of it.
Erin Caroline Champion
I plan to propel the world by working as a Certified Child Life Specialist to make the world of illness and hospitalization a little less scary for kids. Without UNC and my introductory HDFS class, I may not have found my passion for the field of child life or my friends that are on similar journeys. I hope to propel the world of child life by challenging it to diversify and consider how we can provide our services in a more inclusive and equitable way.
Katherine Turner Childrey
I will propel the world by working with children and their families to increase engagement in specific activities that make up daily life. As a pediatric occupational therapist, I hope to help children succeed by finding ways to do the things they need and want to do, ultimately improving their quality of life!
Madeleine Grace Clahane*
I will propel the world by becoming a child advocacy lawyer. Working with the most vulnerable populations in the court systems will allow me to do my part to effect change and reshape life outcomes for children who need someone in their corner.
Kensington Leigh Coble
I will propel the world with the skills and values that HDFS has taught me. As a future educator, an inclusive and diverse classroom is extremely important to me so all my students feel welcomed and safe. Seeing and understanding the wide variety of people and culture we have around us allows me to show kindness and empathy to everyone I meet. I will propel the world by showing these same values to future students so they can learn and feel empowered to change the world themselves.
Vanessa Coleman
I will propel the world by combining my background and diverse experiences with the knowledge and skills that I have acquired as an HDFS major, to improve the lives of children and adolescents in a variety of educational and health contexts.
Ashton Davis
I will propel the world by becoming the best teacher I can be in order to educate and advocate for my students.
Alesia Mercedes Devlin
I will propel the world through my future career as an urban educator.
Jessica Olivia Marie Dorcelien
I will propel the world by advocating for equitable access to quality healthcare, education, and social resources for all people, especially those from marginalized communities and/or vulnerable populations. I aspire to be a physician who is knowledgeable and welcoming to individuals of diverse backgrounds and with diverse experiences. I’m confident that my journey as an HDFS major has prepared me to support and advocate for others, and I look forward to doing it every day as a physician.
Molly Anne Esleeck
I will propel the world by always spreading kindness, learning from others, and uplifting the voices of those who need it the most.
Nancy Gonzalez
I will propel the world by obtaining my Master of Arts in Teaching and learn how to become the best teacher I can possibly be. While doing so, I plan to focus on social justice and equity in order to never forget the work that needs to be done in our society and in our schools. Every student deserves a fair teacher who believes in all her students, and I plan to be that teacher.
Hayley Madison Hayes
I will propel the world by educating future generations and helping them pursue their passions!
Rebecca Joy Iyoob
I propel the world by aspiring to support and advocate for students by making sure they are receiving everything necessary for them to succeed in school.
Selena Manisone Kongmany
I will propel the world by helping low-income, first-generation, and under-represented high school students apply for college.
Jordan Samantha Mahoney
I will propel the world by challenging myself to always continue learning and pushing past my comfort in order to better serve my community. I will use my passion and drive to continue propelling the world around me and connecting with the people in my community on a deeper level.
Dana Marie McCraw
I will propel the world by creating a future classroom environment characterized by optimism, inclusion, and students learning to be confident in their own abilities and kind toward themselves and others.
Emily Caroline McCullock
I will propel the world by equipping the next generation with the tools to advocate for themselves.
Onesty Marceia McMillian
I will propel the world by continuing to be a change agent. The first step of fixing a problem is acknowledging that there is one, and there is a significant gap within our education system that continues to put Black and Brown students steps behind their counterparts. The knowledge and information I have gained in the HDFS program, coupled with the knowledge I will soon gain in the MAT program, will allow me to teach in underrepresented areas and serve these students. Getting to the root of the problem by getting these students the education that they deserve is how I will propel the world.
Ian Moini
I hope to pay forward my incredible experience at Carolina. I am grateful.
Hannah Lee Monroe
I will be attending Boston College School of Social Work in the fall to work toward earning my master’s degree in social work. With this degree, I will serve children, youth, and families from a family systems, strengths-based perspective. I will use the knowledge gained from my time at UNC to guide my interactions with families in various field placements. It is my hope that I will play a role, however small, in helping individuals to recognize their own strengths and to access the resources available to them. Such will be my small act toward the creation of a more just and equitable world.
Hunter Elzie Pearce
I will be pursuing a master’s degree in secondary math education through the Urban Teachers program at Johns Hopkins University. I have always had a passion for education and want to propel the world by becoming a teacher in an urban area. I will be moving to Washington, D.C., and teaching in the District of Columbia public school system. I hope to inspire my students and teach them to love education as much as I do!
Jenna Settlage
I hope to propel the world through my work with young children and with families during the postpartum period. I would like to advocate for the holistic growth of young children in early childhood education. Early childhood is a perfect time to help children grow social-emotional skills so that they can manage day-to-day social interactions. I also hope to advocate for quality postpartum care, especially for families who cannot afford it.
Haley Danielle Smith
UNC has prepared me to be a culturally and socially responsible human services professional. As a future speech-language pathologist, I will advocate for patients who do not have the ability to advocate for themselves, & I hope to work toward decreasing the existing inequalities and health disparities within the educational system.
Sarah Marie Stoll
I will propel the world by showing individuals with disabilities and chronic illnesses that they have potential and teaching them to see it by building up their self-confidence and giving them techniques to help them advocate for themselves.
Rebekah Ruth Sullivan
I will propel the world by creating meaningful, thriving communities that love one another and seek to change the world around them.
Elizabeth Hope Voelkel
I will propel the world by providing high-quality speech therapy services to underserved populations as a speech-language pathologist.
Ally Elizabeth Washington*
I will propel the world by attending the UNC School of Education’s Masters in Arts of Teaching program starting in the fall of 2021, preparing me to be a cultivator of people, preparing a rich environment to help nourish students’ minds and encourage their unique gifts to propel students to success, in whatever shape that takes. I hope to re-enter the classroom to earn a Ph.D. in administration and policy so I might be a part of creating systems that support them as they propel the world, too. I will break down barriers and build bridges for students and teachers as I pursue education.
Christian Drew Wheat**
I will propel the world by being an advocate, educator, and supporter to everyone I serve.
Also Graduating
Darian Shekinah Abernathy
Jessica Caroline Barbour
Paige Noelle Braithwaite*
Taylor Marie Brown
Amy Rebecca Brubaker
Katheryn Nicole Burnett
Carolina Reid Campbell
Britney Dominique Catalan
Zoe Chester-Thompson
Morgan Vanessa Church
Melody Joy Collins
Carla Elizabeth Cortes Diaz
Ansley Paullin Cowan
Alexandria Rose Davis
Amanda Diane Denno
Noelle Therese Di Grazia
Laura Anne Dickerson
Victoria Michelle Dunlap
Dana Dziadul
Melanie Faith Exum
Madison Elizabeth Frazier
Sarah Anne Gilles*
Hannah Goforth
Irma Citlalli Gutierrez
Sydney Gutierrez
Alaa Sameeh Hammoudeh
Madeline Gabrielle Hayes
Jacquelyn Claire Hedrick
Shauna Rose Henley
Samantha Grace Heyman
Laci Wynn Hill
Keelin Alana Hunter
Mckayla Jennings
Autumn Zahra Koehler
Makenna June Lagaly
Jenny Li
Grace Anna Little
Abigail Anne Livengood
Abigail Hilma Lopez
Mitsy Lopez-Garcia
Logan Lee Lucero
Hannah Camille McCarthy
Sarah Grace McKinney
Courtney Michelle Medina**
Sophie Meglio
Justis Tate Mitchell
Sara Elizabeth Morlock
Coral Morrow
Hannah Catherine Kahn Netschytailo
Adasyn Adair Neuwirth
Caroline Elise Norwood
Jade Pendleton
Alyssa Poth
Jamie Povich
Sarah Jeanne Propst
Allison Clara Quinn
Julia Karen Rice
Lauryn Nicole Rivers*
Carmen Faith Rudd
Julie Everett Salemi
Emily Woodson Schoeffler
Katherine Rose Sessoms
Olivia Joy Sgro
Adele Bainbridge Sharpe
Alexandra Stanley
Katherine Brooke Taylor
Claire Noelle Tilley
Thilini Nikeshala Weerakkody
Shepard Louise Williamson
Charlotte Marie Wirtz
Leila Delcarmen Zefri
Bachelor of Music: Music Education
Sam Cullen Howell
I intend on propelling the world by using music as a means to inspire and empower students. Music is a universal language and expressive art form that has the power to touch the heart and soul, transcending our lives. Through the power of music in an ensemble or collaborative setting, I hope to be an important figure in the lives of the students I teach and create lasting, unforgettable, and meaningful experiences and moments that students can hold on to throughout their lives. Music enables us to discover ourselves and empowers us to make a difference in the world in which we live.
Also Graduating
Christian Louis Boletchek
Hayes Vaughn Dunlevy
UNC Baccalaureate Education and Science and Teaching (UNC-BEST)
Kyle Kearly
Emma Pickard
Anna Scotton
*Indicates candidates who successfully completed the Honors Program in Education.
**Indicates candidates who successfully completed the Honors Program in Education with Highest Honors.