Current Program of Study

The program of studies, i.e., the courses and curriculum for the M.Ed. in School Counseling, is made up of 3 parts:

  • 33 hours of content courses;
  • 24 hours of clinical courses;
  • 3 hours of graduate-level electives approved by your advisor.

You will move through the program as a cohort, so all classes must be taken in the sequence listed below. Classes begin in late May and end in late July of the following calendar year.

Course Schedule

First Summer – Session I

  • EDUC 702: Introduction to Strengths-Based School Counseling, 3 hours
  • EDUC 808: Foundations of Clinical Mental Health Counseling, 3 hours

First Summer – Session II

  • EDUC 712: Pre-Practicum in School Counseling, 3 hours* 
  • EDUC 714: Guidance and Group Counseling, 3 hours 

Fall Mini-Term I

  • EDUC 766+: Practicum in School Counseling, 6 hours* 

Fall Mini-Term II

  • EDUC 705+: Internship in School Counseling & Consultation (F), 3 hours* 


  • EDUC 703: Theories and Techniques of Counseling, 3 hours
  • EDUC 707: Promoting Cultural Competence and & Social Justice in School Counseling, 3 hours 
  • EDUC 827: Human Development, 3 hours 

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About the Practicum and Internship Courses

Fall Practicum runs August through October (10 weeks). 

Fall Internship runs (End of October) November through December. Internship continues in spring and summer. 

Students must spend a minimum of 100 (40 direct service) clock hours in practicum and 600 (240 direct service) in internship in their field experiences during the August to June K-12 public school year. The schedule for accumulating the required 700 hours is typically completed in three full-time days per week at the school site and/or arranged with both the field supervisor and the EDUC 766 and 705 instructors. 


  • EDUC 704: Promoting Career Development/ College Access & Admissions, 3 hours
  • EDUC 705+: Internship in School Counseling & Consultation (S), 9 hours
  • EDUC 709: Seminar in Applied Investigations, 3 hours
  • EDUC 762: Diagnosis of Psychological Disorders & Treatment Planning, 3 hours

Second Summer – Session I

  • EDUC 705+: Internship in School Counseling & Consultation (Su), 3 hours* 
  • EDUC 826: Seminar in Mental Health and School-Based Counseling, 3 hours 

Second Summer – Session II

Students typically take their elective course during Summer Session II, but other options are possible.  

  • EDUC 713: Tests and Measurement, 3 hours
  • Elective Courses, 3 hours 

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There are several ways to get the three (3) graduate credit hours required for the Master of Education in School Counseling. Students may choose from a wide range of graduate-level courses and are encouraged to select those that enhance the student’s ability and readiness for service as a professional school counselor. Students should work with their advisor to find appropriate electives.  

Courses may be taken elsewhere and transferred in. You may consider online courses in the UNC system or an independent study with a faculty member. All courses must be considered at the graduate level at UNC-CH, and you must get approval from your advisor in writing. The majority of courses numbered 400 to 600 are combined graduate/undergraduate courses and are counted as graduate-level credit hours. If you are unsure about a course, check with the  Office of Student Affairs to verify that it is at the graduate level. 

  • EDUC 611: Black Families in Social & Contemporary Contexts or another graduate-level course related to cultural exploration and practice is highly recommended.
  • EDUC 689: Foundations of Special Education or another graduate-level course in special education is highly recommended.
  • SOWO 700: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs (ATOD): Abuse and Dependence or another graduate-level course in substance use and abuse is highly recommended.
  • EDUC 790: Trauma and Crisis Management or another graduate-level course addressing practice-related applications in educational settings is highly recommended.

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