Program of Study

The program of study, i.e., the curriculum and courses, for the BEST program is made up of 3 parts and it is required the students to follow the below listing order to complete each part:

Educational Foundations

These three courses are required for the major. They focus on educational foundations, child/student development and general pedagogy.

  • EDUC 689: Foundations of Special Education, 3 hrs
  • EDUC 532: Introduction to Development and Learning or EDUC501: Development in Adolescence/Adulthood, 3 hrs
  • EDUC 615: Schools and Community Collaboration, 3 hrs

Pedagogy Course

The course is offered fall semester ONLY.

  • EDUC 760: Advanced Methods for Teaching Secondary Subjects, 3hrs

Student Teaching and Advanced Method

Note: Prior to student teaching, students must complete foundation and pedagogy courses and complete the requirements for their major. The courses are offered Spring semester ONLY.

  • EDUC 746: Student Teaching Internship and Special Topics Seminar, 9 hrs
  • EDUC 747: Methods and Materials for Teaching Secondary Subjects, 3 hrs