What should I study?

Applied Developmental Science and Special Education (ADSSE) Ph.D.
The Applied Developmental Sciences and Special Education Ph.D. concentration provides a rigorous theoretical and interdisciplinary foundation for aspiring scholars driven to advance knowledge about human development from early childhood through adolescence.

Baccalaureate Education in Science and Teaching (BEST) minor B.A. or B.S.
Carolina undergraduates majoring in mathematics or science can take coursework which allows them to get their N.C. secondary school mathematics or science teaching license while they work to earn their degree.

Birth-Kindergarten (BK) Licensure
The add-on licensure program in B-K/Pre-K is designed for early childhood professionals who want to earn credentials for teaching young children

Human Development and Family Science (HDFS) B.A.Ed.
HDFS is a bachelor's degree pre-professional program that will empower you to pursue further education or join careers to improve the lives of children, their families, and their communities.

K-12 Leadership Ed.D.
The Ed.D. in Educational Leadership with a concentration in K-12 Leadership is designed to equip experienced and practice-focused educational leaders with understandings, skills and knowledge to effectively drive improvement in school systems and other professional settings.

Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) M.A.T.
Carolina’s MAT is grounded in rigorous academic and clinical experiences that will help you expand and build your professional knowledge and skills in preparation for becoming an educator.

Master of Education for Experienced Teachers (MEdX) M.Ed.
The ECIFS specialty area of the MEdX program is designed for working early childhood professionals motivated to refine and expand their practice, with options for currently licensed teachers and for those seeking initial licensure.

Minor in Education Minor
The Minor in Education allows you to deepen your knowledge and develop a critical understanding of educational issues and apply them across a wide array of career opportunities.

School Administration M.S.A.
The MSA is designed for educators who are striving to assume leadership positions and to help their communities pursue a vision of educational equity and support for all learners.