School of Education Scholarships

To be considered for a School of Education scholarship, fellowship or award, you must have already be enrolled in a School of Education undergraduate program. For more information see How to Apply for School of Education Scholarships, Fellowships and Awards.

Contact the Office of Student Affairs for questions about these scholarships.

Sam and Carole Roebuck Scholarship

Eligibility: A committed Education major wanting to teach or conduct educational research.

About the award:

Carole Symons Roebuck (A.B.Ed. ’63) and James Samuel Roebuck established this scholarship in 1984 to recognize students with outstanding academic achievement. This scholarship is awarded to a committed Education major wanting to teach or conduct educational research. Preference is given to students from Bertie, Tyrrell, Camden, Gates, Chowan, Dare, Currituck, Perquimans, Pasquotank or Martin counties.Mr. and Mrs. James Samuel Roebuck established the Carole and Sam Roebuck Scholarship, which bears their name, in 1984 to recognize students with outstanding academic achievement and who have demonstrated financial need. This scholarship is awarded to a committed Education major wanting to teach or conduct educational research. Preference given to students from Bertie, Tyrrell, Camden, Gates, Chowan, Dare, Currituck, Perquimans, Pasquotank or Martin counties.

The Carol Mathews Peeler Student Teacher Scholarship

Eligibility: Student teachers enrolled in the School of Education.

About the award:

The Carol Mathews Peeler Scholarship was established in 2003 by Donald Hoover Peeler in honor of his late wife, Carol Mathews Peeler (A.B.Ed. ’63). This scholarship is awarded to a teacher education major, with preference given to middle or high school student teachers preparing to teach Social Studies or English. This award can be given to one or more outstanding student teachers enrolled in the School of Education. Students must demonstrate outstanding academic achievement.

The Dean E. Smith Scholarship

Eligibility: Students enrolled in the School of Education who plan to make a career as teachers in elementary or secondary schools.

About the award:

The Dean E. Smith Scholarship was established by Dean and Linnea Smith in honor of longtime Carolina Mens’ Basketball Head Coach Dean E. Smith to provide financial support to students with promising futures as public school teachers. These funds provide scholarships to with a preference for students who intend to become a teacher. It is awarded to a student or students enrolled in the School of Education who plan to make a career as teachers in elementary or secondary schools.

The Frances F. Johnson Student Travel Award Fund (Through Gary G. Koch and Carolyn Johnson Koch) in the School of Education

Eligibility: Students in school counseling and teacher licensure programs.

About the award:

This fund was established with gifts from Carolyn Johnson Koch (A.B.Ed. ’66, M.Ed. ’67) and Gary G. Koch (Ph.D. ’68) to honor the legacy of Carolyn’s mother Frances F. Johnson, a 1958 M.Ed. in School Counseling graduate. This fund supports undergraduate and graduate travel, including research fellowships and academic or professional conferences. A number of awards are allocated to students in school counseling and teacher licensure programs.

Frank R. Comfort Scholarship

Amount: One year of full-time tuition.

Eligibility: Undergraduate teacher education major during his or her year of student teaching.

About the award:

The Frank R. Comfort Scholarship was established by former UNC swim team coach, Frank Comfort (M.A.T. ’69). It is his commitment to supporting teachers and teacher education that is honored with this scholarship. The Comfort Scholarship is awarded annually to an undergraduate teacher education major during his or her year of student teaching. Recipients shall be chosen on the basis of distinguished academic achievement.

Fred Pfohl Crouch, Sr. and Marjorie Mulligan Crouch Scholarship

Eligibility: Students in teacher education.

About the award:

The Fred Pfohl Crouch, Sr. (A.B.Ed. ’35) and Marjorie Mulligan Crouch Scholarship was established by Fred Pfohl Crouch, II (B.A. ’70, M.A.T. ’71) in honor of his late parents. It was Crouch’s desire to leave a legacy in his parents’ names to benefit students pursuing a career in education. Both teachers themselves, Fred Pfohl Crouch, Sr. and Marjorie Mulligan Crouch taught their son the value of an excellent education. Fred Pfohl Crouch, II taught for 38 years in Prince George’s County Public Schools in Maryland.

The Gail Weaver Bunn Fellowship

Eligibility: Students motivated to do their student teaching in a rural, high needs, partnering school district.

About the award:

The Bunn Fellows program was established by Gail and Tom Bunn. The late Gail Bunn earned her A.B.Ed. in 1972 from UNC and taught elementary school in Yadkin County, sparking her lifelong commitment to helping educate children in rural communities. The fellowship is available to students motivated to do their student teaching in a rural, high needs, partnering school district. Funds are provided to fellows during their year of student teaching. Bunn Fellows are encouraged to culminate their experience with a service project related to the school community in which they are teaching.

Lynn Boyette Hutchinson Scholarship

Eligibility: Student with a sound scholastic record.

About the award:

The Lynn Boyette Hutchinson Scholarship was established in honor of the late Lynn Boyette Hutchinson (A.B.Ed. ’63) in 2010. At UNC she was a cheerleader and member of Pi Beta Phi. She taught for 32 years, including 25 years at Pearsontown Elementary School in Durham County. The scholarship is awarded to a student with a sound scholastic record. Preference is given to an athlete or cheerleader majoring in education.

Michaela Reedy McIntosh Award

Eligibility: Undergraduate student enrolled in the School of Education.

About the award:

This award honors alumna Michaela Reedy McIntosh (A.B.Ed. ’66). Michaela worked in Oregon for many years teaching elementary school. The fund provides support to an undergraduate student enrolled in the School of Education and is given based on distinguished academic achievement.

The Nath Family UNC-BEST Endowed Scholarship

Eligibility: Students enrolled in the UNC Baccalaureate Education in Science and Teaching (UNC-BEST) program.

About the award:

This scholarship was established by Hari and Kalpana Nath. Hari is a retired entrepreneur who served on the UNC System Board of Governors for four (2011-2015) years. He was Founder and CEO of an IT management consulting firm Technology Planning and Management Corp. He currently serves on the UNC Board of Trustees. Kalpana serves as a Director of the Nath Foundation. She holds a B.A. degree in Music and Home Sciences and is actively involved in family and community service. Hari and Kalpana are the proud parents of two UNC alumni. This fund is used to support merit-based scholarship awards.

The Robert W. Eaves Scholarship

Eligibility: Students pursuing a degree in education.

About the award:

The Robert W. Eaves Scholarship was established in 1981 by members of the family of Dr. Robert W. Eaves, Sr. (A.B.Ed. ’28). Dr. Eaves was a distinguished educator and longtime leader of the National Education Association’s Department of Elementary School Principals.

Susan Redd Scholarship in Education

Eligibility: Student with a sound academic record during their student teaching semester

About the award:

The Susan Redd Scholarship in Education, was established by Albert M. Redd, in honor of his wife Susan (B.A. ’58). It is awarded annually.

V. Mayo and Norma M. Bundy Scholarship

Eligibility: North Carolina junior or senior with a sound academic record pursuing a degree in education.

About the award:

The Bundy Scholarship is given by the children of Norma and V. Mayo Bundy, Sr. (A.B.Ed. ’35, M.A. ’41, Ed.D. ’70) to honor their parents’ service to the Madison-Mayodan school system. Established in 1999, this scholarship is awarded annually, with a preference given to students from Alamance, Bladen, Cumberland, Guilford or Rockingham counties.

Willie Hall Kennedy Scholarship

Eligibility: Undergraduate or graduate student in the School of Education with a preference for those who wish to become educators and teach in underserved communities in North Carolina.

About the award:

The Willie Hall Kennedy Scholarship was established by three brothers, Harold (B.A. ’74), Harvey (B.A. ’74) and Michael Kennedy (B.A. ’79), to honor their grandmother Willie Hall Kennedy. Mrs. Kennedy was a graduate of Winston-Salem Teachers College and received her master’s degree in Education from Columbia University in New York. She taught elementary school in Winston-Salem for 47 years, mainly teaching third grade.

The Joyce Stokes Riddick and R. Marion Riddick III Scholarship Fund

Eligibility: Student from North Carolina.

About the Award:

The Joyce Stokes Riddick and R. Marion Riddick III Scholarship Fund, established by Rufus M. Riddick IV, honors his parents’ dedication to education. Joyce spent her entire career in education — spanning more than five decades — first by teaching airmen and soldiers for their G.E.D. and then by teaching math in the Perquimans County School System, where Marion directed the Title I program after he served 22 years in the U.S. Air Force. This scholarship shall be used to provide scholarships to students in the School of Education who are from North Carolina.

The Waynell Boggs Morris Scholarship Fund

Eligibility: Student from North Carolina with an interest in pursuing their teacher licensure to teach in the state following graduation.

About the Award: 

The Waynell Boggs Morris Scholarship Fund was established in 2019 by Waynell Boggs Morris in in memory of her mother, Hattie Bess Kendrick Boggs, and in honor of her sisters, Harriet Kendrick Boggs Mulvey and Janet Kathryn Boggs Arthurs. This scholarship shall be used to provide scholarships to students in the School of Education who are from North Carolina and have an interest in pursuing their teacher licensure to teach in the state following graduation.

The William Nye Corpening, M.D. ’40 School of Education Scholarship

Eligibility: Student who intends to become a teacher with preference given to students from North Carolina.

About the Award: 

John Hardin Corpening (’70 B.A.) and Belinda Howard Corpening (’72 A.B.Ed., ’73 M.A.T.) established this scholarship in 2023 to honor William Nye Corpening’s (’40 B.A., M.D.) commitment to and belief in the power of education. Dr. Corpening was devoted to education and dedicated to the people in his community. He served as the team physician for the Granite Falls and South Caldwell high schools’ athletic teams and was inducted into the Caldwell County Schools Hall of Honor in 2015 to recognize this dedication.