Milestone 1: Program of Study Approval

The Program of Study (POS) committee approves a student’s Program of Study prior to or during the fall semester of the student’s second year of study at the latest. After the meeting, students submit the completed POS form to the Office of Student Affairs via and distribute copies to the advisor/chair and committee members.

Milestone 2: Pre-Comps

Comprehensive Examinations are an opportunity for faculty to assess a student’s area(s) of specialization prior to moving forward with a doctoral dissertation. Students will need to work with their Program Support Specialist (PSS) to complete Parts I and II through DocuSign. The Office of Student Affairs will process with the Graduate School. You can read more about the process here.

Doctoral students enrolled in the Ph.D. in School Psychology program should consult the School Psychology Program Handbook for program-specific milestone procedures.

Milestone 3: Doctoral Exam Report Parts I and II

The Doctoral Exam Report is one form. Complete Parts I and II after your Comprehensive Exams. Complete Parts III and IV after you have defended your Dissertation. Students will need to work with their PSS to complete Parts I and II through DocuSign. The Office of Student Affairs will process with the Graduate School.

Milestone 4: Dissertation and Committee Proposal Form

Once students have successfully completed the Comprehensive Examination, the Program of Studies committee members generally become members of the Doctoral dissertation Committee. At that time, students need to complete the Committee Composition form. Part I is used to report committee member names and relevant faculty status. Part II is used to report approval and title of dissertation project. In accordance with Graduate School requirements, the Doctoral Dissertation Committee consists of five members, a majority of whom must have Regular Graduate Faculty designation from the School of Education. Committee members that do not have a graduate faculty designation will need approval by the Graduate School prior to a member serving in the role. Details on the composition of the doctoral committee, please refer to the Graduate School Handbook. For information on the approval of committee members needing graduate faculty status approval, please click here.

The Committee Composition form should be on file with the Graduate School before or filed concurrently with any action reflecting their approval.

Students will need to work with their PSS to complete Parts I and II through DocuSign.The Office of Student Affairs will process with the Graduate School

Milestone 5: Doctoral Exam Report Parts III & IV

Use the same form as above from Milestone 3. Students will need to work with their PSS to complete Parts I and II through DocuSign. The Office of Student Affairs will process with the Graduate School.

Students complete Parts III and IV after defending their Dissertation.

Questions about the DocuSign process for doctoral milestones should be directed to the PSS in who supports the doctoral area or