Student Teaching Internship Process

Student Teaching Placement

The Student Teaching Placement Coordinator gathers names from student teaching applications and works with program coordinators and school district personnel to make acceptable student teaching placements. Other than indicating preferences on the application, you do not get to make decisions about placements. You are obligated to submit all district required forms for placement approval and accept the position offered.

You are responsible for arranging transportation and housing.

Withdrawing from a Student Teaching Internship

A student may withdraw from student teaching only for reasons such as catastrophic illness or injury, pregnancy, or death or serious illness in the immediate family. A student may withdraw from student teaching passing if he/she withdraws from the program and has earned a passing grade to date.

Students who are earning an F in student teaching and who do not have extreme circumstances such as catastrophic illness or injury or death in the immediate family will not be allowed to withdraw from student teaching. They will receive a grade of F.

A student who earns an F in student teaching may not repeat student teaching.

Students who withdraw passing from student teaching may request (at the time of withdrawal) that they be allowed to repeat student teaching in another semester by the following process:

  1. the student makes a written request, with supporting reasons;
  2. the Program Coordinator writes a recommendation to support or not support the student request;
  3. the student’s SOE supervisor writes a recommendation to support or not support the student request;
  4. the Program Coordinator, Assistant Dean for Educator Preparation and Accreditation, Assistant Dean for Student Affairs, and optionally, the Associate Dean, meet to come to a collective decision, and to make a written statement of all particulars, such as necessary requirements for completion, whether the student may have more than one opportunity to continue, and/or where the placement will be.
  5. If there is disagreement among parties as to the final disposition of the case, the Assistant Dean for Educator Preparation and Accreditation and the Associate Dean make the final determination. The Assistant Dean for Educator Preparation and Accreditation writes a letter to the student disclosing the decision and particulars, copying the Associate Dean, the Program Coordinator, the SOE academic advisor, and the student’s file.

(NC DPI regulation is that students may not receive an F in a professional course.)

If a student receives an F in a professional sequence course:

  • If the F is in student teaching, the student is discontinued from the SOE program, and complete their Arts and Sciences degree.
  • If the F is attained in other Education courses, the student is discontinued from the SOE program. The student may request reinstatement to the program if they have a compelling reason.

District Specific Forms

Chapel Hill/Carrboro
Orange County
Person County

Criminal Background check instructions:

Interns, please select that you are an “employee”, as intern is not currently an option.